söndag 11 maj 2008

About Books

En liten bokenkät som jag hittade här hos Bokhora (ny favorit på nätet, bara massa böcker!), fast den först kom från Mats Strandberg. Jag har dessutom "internationaliserat" den... Jag lade även till en egen fråga!

This is a little questionnaire about books that I found in other blogs, and I decided to copy it for myself. As you can see, I've written the questions in 4 languages (i.e. I babelfish-translated them into French and Spanish; I'm sure the translations aren't always correct!) but the answers only in Swedish and English. It would be fun if you answer the questions in comments, in the language of your choice!

1. Vilken bok läste du senast? Which book have you recently read? ¿Qué libro usted ha leído recientemente? Quel livre avez-vous récemment lu ?

Sargassohavet av Jean Rhys. En omtumlande läsning som för evigt har förvandlat de romantiska känslor för Mr Rochester som varit en rest sedan tonåren... Jag har alltså älskat Jane Eyre i halva mitt liv, men nu tycker jag nästan att Rochester kunde ha fått drunkna på vägen hem till England...

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Overwhelming. I've always loved Jane Eyre, but I can never think of Mr Rochester in the same way after this... (Next on my "To read- list" is, I guess, The Madwoman in the Attic...)

2. Vilken bok ska du börja på härnäst? Which book will you start to read now?
¿Qué libro usted comienza ahora a leer? Quel livre commencez-vous à lire maintenant ?

Jag läser just nu Baudelaire i svensk översättning, skulle vilja ha Les Fleurs du Mal i original för att åtminstone försöka förstå dikterna i sin helhet; jag tycker alltid att lyrik förlorar något på att översättas, men ibland är det ju nödvändigt för att man ska begripa något!

I’m reading Baudelaire now; Swedish translation. I’d like to read Les Fleurs du Mal in French, but I really need the translation!

3. Är det övervägande manliga eller kvinnliga författare i din bokhylla? Do you have mostly male or female authors in your bookshelf?
¿Usted tiene autores sobre todo masculinos o femeninos en su estante? Avez-vous les auteurs la plupart du temps masculins ou féminins dans votre étagère ?

Hm, jag har nog många manliga författare, men förmodligen mest kvinnor i min bokhylla, kanske 65 % kvinnliga författare. (Många biografier om kvinnliga författare är skrivna av kvinnor...)

I’ve got many male authors in my bookshelves, but I guess mostly female – about 65 %. (Many biographies about female writers are written by women...)

4. När du läser en bok, räknar du ner hur många sidor som är kvar, eller tänker “nu har jag kommit en fjärdedel”, “en tredjedel”, “hurra! hälften!” osv? When you read a book, do you count how many pages you have left to read?, do you think: ”now I’ve read a fourth”, ”a third”, ”hurrah, half of it!” etc?
¿Cuándo usted leyó un libro, usted cuenta cuántas páginas usted se ha ido para leer? Quand vous avez-vous lu un livre, comptez-vous combien de pages vous êtes parti pour lire ?

Oftast inte, det skulle vara om det rör sig om mer eller mindre jobbig kurslitteratur... eller jo, förresten. Ibland tänker jag: "Åh, nej, nu är det bara si och så mycket kvar... nu måste jag bromsa lite, spara lite..."

Usually not, if it’s not more or less boring course literature... or if the book is very good and I want to make it last for a long time...

5. Hur väljer du vilka böcker du vill läsa? Ex omslag, tips från vänner, recensioner, topplistor, bloggar osv? How do you chose which books to read? E.g. cover, tips from friends, reviews, top lists, blogs etc? ¿Cómo usted eligió que reserva para leer? ¿E.g. cubierta, extremidades de amigos, revisiones, listas superiores, blogs etc? Comment allez-vous avez-vous choisi quels livres à lire ? Par exemple couverture, bouts des amis, revues, listes supérieures, blogs etc.. ?

Ja. Allt detta, utom kanske topplistor...

Yes. All of the above, except maybe top lists...

6. När blir en bok för lång?
When is a book too long?
¿Cuándo es un libro demasiado largo? Quand un livre est-il trop long ?

Jag vet inte... det beror ju helt på om jag tycker att den är bra eller inte. En bra bok blir väl aldrig för lång.

I don’t know... it depends on if I like it or not. A good book is never too long.

7. Läser du lika gärna på engelska (om det är originalspråket) som på svenska? Do you like to read in English (if that is the original language) as much as in your own language? ¿usted tiene gusto de leer en inglés (si ésa es la lengua original) tanto como en su propia lengua? Aimez-vous lire en anglais (si c'est la langue originale) autant qu'en votre propre langue ?

Nja, det beror på. Om boken inte finns i översättning, eller om jag inte orkar vänta, så gör jag det, men av bekvämlighet föredrar jag nog översättning. Det händer att jag läser vissa böcker både i original och översättning för att inte missa några nyanser (okej, detta gäller mest lyrik och Virginia Woolf, som jag hyser en viss besatt kärlek till och jag vill gärna äga samtliga titlar både på engelska och svenska...)

Well, it depends. If the book isn’t translated, or if I’m too impatient to wait, I read in English, but I prefer translations out of laziness. I sometimes read books both in English and in Swedish, in order to get all the nuances – both the proper understanding and the original “tone” of the work (OK, this is mostly the case with poetry, and with Virginia Woolf, with whom I am totally obsessed...)

8. Vilken bok kände du senast att du var tvungen att försöka övertala ALLA dina vänner att läsa? Which book did you last feel that you had to persuade ALL your friends to read? ¿Qué libro usted duró la sensación que usted tuvo que persuadir a TODOS sus amigos leer? Quel livre avez-vous duré l'estimer que vous avez dû persuader TOUS vos amis de lire ?

Det var Emily L av Marguerite Duras.

That was Emily L by Duras.

9. Kan du lämna en bok som du tycker är tråkig? Isåfall, när ger du upp?
Do you leave a book if you find it boring? If so, when do you give up?
¿Usted deja un libro si usted lo encuentra el agujerear? ¿Si es así cuándo usted da para arriba? Laissez-vous un livre si vous le trouvez être ennuyeux ? Si oui, quand donnez-vous vers le haut ?

Ja, det händer ibland, men inte särskilt ofta. I så fall ger jag upp efter en dryg tredjedel, kanske.

Yes, it happens, but not very often. In that case I give up after a third, maybe.

10. Vilken genre är överrepresenterad i din bokhylla, och vilken finns inte alls? Which genre is over represented in your bookshelf, and which is not there at all? ¿Qué género es excedente representado en su estante, y cuál no hay en todos? Quel genre est excédent représenté dans votre étagère, et que n'y a-t-il pas du tout ?

Det är väl mest romaner av alla de slag, och litteraturvetenskap. Det som saknas totalt är väl naturvetenskap, reseskildringar och musik...

I’ve got mostly all kinds of novels, and books about literature. I’ve got no science, travel books or music...

11. Tre böcker som du finner oumbärliga? Three indispensable books? ¿Tres libros imprescindibles? Trois livres indispensables ?

Edith Södergrans samlade dikter, De besatta av A.S. Byatt, och... många böcker slåss om tredjeplatsen, vi säger... Torgny Lindgrens Pölsan.

The poems by Edith Södergran, Posession by A.S. Byatt, and... many books wants to be the third, let’s say... Hash by Torgny Lindgren. (And please, por favor amigas, try to find some English, French or Spanish translation of the Finnish/Swedish poet Edith Södergran! It should be possible, although it is very difficult to translate poetry in a way that preserves the original magic of the words. I’ll write something in the blog about her sometime...)

13 kommentarer:

Mily Almeyra Casas sa...

About Books:

1. "Historia de las mujeres" de Bonnie S. Anderson y Judith P. Zinsser

2. "El mundo de Sofía" de Jostein Gaarder

3. Yo tengo en mi biblioteca muchos libros de autores hombres como Borges, Cortázar, Eduardo Galeano, Cervantes, Poe, etc. y libros de mujeres que admiro como Liliana Heker, Katherine Mansfield, Isabel Allende, Ana María Shua, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, etc... (80% hombres, 20% mujeres)

4. No, no sé cuántas páginas leo. Yo trato de leer en todo momento, mientras trabajo, mientras viajo al trabajo, en el trabajo, antes de dormir, etc

5. En general, siempre me interesan los mismos temas. La historia de la Literatura, cuentos, mujeres, autoras, idiomas, la Filosofía, el vino, dactiloscopía (área en la cual me desempeño en mi trabajo) y siempre compro libros relacionados con eso.

6. No me importa el número de páginas que tenga. Cuanto más grande (1300 páginas por ejemplo) más me gusta. Obviamente que si un libro es aburrido y sin demasiado contenido, basta un número reducido de páginas para que sea considerado largo y, por lo tanto, aburrido.

7. Me fascina leer en español. Primero porque es mi lengua nativa y luego porque es una lengua muy rica y uno siempre aprende nuevos términos y giros idiomáticos que no conocía.

8. "Las venas abiertas de América Latina" de Eduardo Galeano.

9. Sí, casualmente ahora me había comprado un libro de mi escritora favorita, Liliana Heker y lo dejé de leer porque el tema es la muerte y me resultó muy aburrido.

10. Hay muchos libros de ficción. Me gustan mucho los ensayos y muy pocas biografías. No me gustan mucho las biografías.
70% ficción
20% ensayo
10% biografías

11. "Obra Completa de Jorge Luis Borges"

"Obra Completa de Julio Cortázar"

"Don Quijote de La Mancha" de Miguel de Cervantes

Muchos besitos y un abrazo inmenso desde Buenos Aires, Argentina para una de mis futuras autoras preferidas, Lisa. Gracias por este cuestionario.

Anonym sa...

1. "Los Mitos de la Historia Argentina" (Felipe Pigna).

2. "Cuentos Completos de Katherine Mansfield".

3. Masculinos (y bueno...).

4. A veces, si el libro es un plomo. Pero en general no porque busco leer cosas divertidas.

5. En general por la temática o por el autor.

6. Cuando deseo que se termine.

7. No, los libros sólo en español. En otra lengua algún artículo de mi interés.

8. La Biblia.

9. Sí, lo dejo. Cuando quiero retomar la lectura y no me acuerdo dónde había dejado...

10. Ficción y ensayos. Lo que no tengo es de Autoayuda, Esoterismo.

11. La Biblia, Las Obras de J. L. Borges y El Quijote.

Besos Ardantes!!!

Lisa sa...

Hola Mily y Ani,
thanks for answering. Me gusto mucho hablar de la literatura, it is very interesting to know how people think and feel about books, reading.

One can learn things from each other, and about each other. ^^

Mily, I LOVE "El mundo de Sofía"!!! I read it for the first time when I was 15 años, and it was that book that made me interested in philosophy.

I think I have never heard about your escritora favorita, Liliana Heker - but I will look her up!

Mily Almeyra Casas sa...

Dear Lisa, In this link, I'm with my favorite writer, Liliana Heker. Please, don't laugh of me, jajaja, of my stupid face !!! jajajaja


Yo estaba asustada... brrrr !!

besitos, besitos

Anonym sa...

1. Marguerite Duras / Laure Adler

2.Any books I 've not read yet

3.Female : Male = 3:2

Interesting question...I 've never thought about this...Let me check the bookshelf first ..jajaja

4. Positive...I 'd like to know where am I of this book now...the thrid or....

5. The title / name of the book.. then the autor / the cover...

6.It will stay in the rest room ( for the special moment...jajaja...only choice there...got to finish lol )

7.Not really...But I would like to read a book in English if I do love the Chinese copy...

8.All of my friends?? Textbooks maybe ( ex.commercial marketing field...)

9.No...I would never give up ( but I will read others first then back to the boring one someday...maybe it woudln't be bored again )

10. Travel books / non fiction /biography


(1) 寶寶在美國 Baby in America / by Baby

( a children's book...which I got when I was 10 years rold...the author was a Taiwanese girl and this book was about her studying master of Children literature...how she deals with the culture difference...and Practice teaching with kids...and of course...she's very childlike...ps..Baby was her nickname)

(2)可行走的房子可吃的船 Can walk the house to eat the boat / by Hung Hung

( The author is a poet.a write/a film director..) I bought this book after join his Film arts camp , this book was about his thought...his life...Taiwan and long stay in Europe with his wife

his blog


(3)The Camino;a journey of the spirit / by Shirley Maclaine


Anonym sa...

Yesss, very very interesting to read your answers Ardantes !! Now I really want to read Borges et Coltazar...et Emily L et ....oh, so many...

1/ Paul Valéry "Mon Faust" (for school, very pessimiste but I've like to read it)

2/L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être de Milan KUNDERA I wish I find the time.

3/ I think male...I look...oh, yes : for 80 or 90% (Oh my god..)

4/ It depends if it's for school and if I die of boredom by the fact (thinking about what I really want read but I cannot for the instant), or not. But usually when I am in the story I don't think to count anymore.

5/ Often by citations I find here and there which make me think "wow It's too wonderful I have to read the book..." , and when I'm in a store I like spend the time to read the titles, by this manner I've bought "Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelquepart" a long time ago and I was happy when I discovered that F.A had read it too :D :D ...But it was reallyyyy not great literature and I was a bit disappointed after read it ...shh !

6/ When he tells (you) nothing. Or when he don't touch you...When he is entirely make to be sold...

7/ Yes, I've like the atmosphere of all the books I've read in english. recently it was "The city of glass" by paul Auster (for school), strange but very good time spending to read it.
But I prefer to read in French I understand...really better !

8/ Le recueil Amok, de Zweig, (lettre d'une inconnue, et amok) (but it was when I was 16...now I had to re-read it I don't know if my sentiment will be the same that when I was 16..) surtout aux filles...ZWEIG avait un don pour exalter les sentiments féminins...et tous ses autres livres...

9/Yes, too much books to read for lost the time to read...

10/ Hétéroclite, il y a de tout but A lot of novels, NO books of MATHEMATIQUES.ufff.

11/ Too difficuuult, hm : L'odyssée d'Ulysse (yes...as...), one book of Proust, and maybe un recueil de poèmes...I don't know, hm Desnos "corps et biens" to make a lot of strange dreams

Puss !!!

Lisa sa...

Bonsoir mes filles,
it's great that you come to write in my bookish blog! :)

How interesting, the differences and similarities in the answers. It is safe to say that we all, just as Fanny, love to read! :)

Jerocca, I took a look on the Hung blog, it looks very... Chinese... lol. The book title sounds interesting though!

I think everybody has read Milan Kundera - I haven't! Lili, tell me later if you like it. :) (I haven't read anything by Auster yet either.)

I have also read "Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelquepart" , just as you, I found it to be not as great as "everyone" seemed to think. I liked better "Ensemble, c'est tout" (I have not seen the movie...).

8/ Zweig, who..? Is it the same Zweig who has written a biography on Mary Stuart? That was a book I did not like very much...

10/ Mathematiques - oh nooo, why on earth should one have such books! Uff, never...

11/ Yes, very difficult to pick only three! :) I have read only one book by Proust so far, but I liked it... Oh, so many books to read, so little time......

Besitos for all!

Lisa sa...

P.S. How funny, I don't know what time this thing is set on... it say on the comment 13:05, but the time here in my part of the world really is 22:07. ^^

Anonym sa...

I come here cause I search A BOOK.

I want to offer a book to my piano teacher (cause she leave Paris and.. us.)
1 month I ask to myself "but which book"! To difficult. Too many books. To many stories I love and aaaaargh!
Well, I will go to the fnac with my list of 30 books pre-selected and will see...

Hope all is right for you dear Lisa !

Lisa sa...

Chère Lili,
how sad when someone leaves. Partir, c'est mourir un peu, non?
Yes, giving a book is a very good idea, but of course it is a very difficult choice... which book?! Do you know what kind of books she like, or do you have to guess? Anyway, you want her to remember YOU by the gift, and you want to chose a book that means a lot to you...

I'm thinking, what would I do if I was in that situation. (I've never had a piano teacher, but a choir conductor... and the only thing I ever gave her was my own poems, ha ha, which she composed music to...)
I think I'd chose "To the lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf, or "Afterglow" by Helen Humphreys.
Both are beautiful books that have one thing in common: Both have a young woman as protagonist who feel an intense admiration for another woman. If I was too shy to perhaps by that hint at my own warm feelings I would maybe give her "Le testament francais" by Andreï Makine - I have only read it once, but I remember it made a strong impression, I liked it very much. (That was, by the way, the book my French teacher gave to me when I graduated... so it would be kind of a "pass it forward"-thing of a goodbye gift...)

Ok, now I added a few more suggestions to your 30 post list..! Good luck in finding the right book!!

By the way, I didn't know you play the piano, how amazing!

Anonym sa...

Ooh thank you very much dear Lisa ! I know you would be there to talk about books.
I've seen your answer yesterday ! Oh I had think to V.Woolf me too ! (Even if, shame on me, I've never read her ! argh I've read many quotes of her all beautiful touching, and true).
So today I've gone back to the fnac again and selected "Les vagues" of V.Woolf (seems very poetic and soft, don't know don't knoooow) and "Propos sur le bonheur" d'Alain (philosophique), and "Vers le Phare" (to the lighthouse). I've to read the three and to PICK ON one....
Puss !!!!

Anonym sa...

(1 of the 30 !!!!)

ps : Your french teacher is/was great. She offered a book just to/for you, et ..parce que tu étais la meilleure ?
C'est trop gentil. ihih. C'est vrai, pourquoi c'est toujours les élèves qui font des cadeaux ?

chuik chuik

Lisa sa...

Ouiii, je suis toujours ici whenever you want to talk about anything and about books in particular ! J’éspere que tu vas aimer V. Woolf. Oui, très poétique, “Les vagues”. "Vers le Phare" is perhaps a little more easily accessible. And then there is the philosopher... I think I’ve heard of Alain, but never read... No, that is not an easy decision for you!

Oui, elle est une femme très gentille et je pensais toujours qu’elle était le meilleur professeur d’école. (Je pensais qu’elle ne voit que des élèves mais des individus, tu sais...) Parce que j’étais la meilleure, eh... non, ca je ne crois pas. Oui, je faisais les resultats assez bien je suppose, mais il y avait des élèves qui faisaient aussi bien que moi, ou probablement meilleure. Mais elle m’aime un peu, je crois. :) (Biensur, il faut que les professeurs n’ont pas des « favorites » mais ce n’était pas comme ca – it was only after the graduation that the teacher/student relationship changed into friendship.) Oh, and that book was in Swedish translation. :)